Saturday, December 26, 2009

Announcing the Arrival of Zoe Grace
She's here! Baby Zoe Grace Benezette. Born on December 21st at 9:49 in the morning weighing 8 lbs 12 oz and 20 inches long. It was a very quick and intense labor and delivery (1 and 1/2 hours) with no time for pain killers, a crazy amazing experience!! Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers! Here's a few photos of her first two weeks of life.


Among All Nations said...

congratulations!! she's beautiful. isn't it great not to be pregnant and have a wonderful to hold in your arms and not your belly?! i'm 30 weeks now and can't wait!!

Anonymous said...

I will never stop being amazed at the fact that we women get the amazing experience of growing another human inside our bodies. And girl, you don't mess around when it comes to getting those babies out. Whoa! I am so excited for you, she is beautiful. OOHHH, if I could just get my hands on her.
Love ya all. The 5 Beckmeyer's and 2 Cox's